
The seeds of Rival School Pictures were planted in 2010, when James Blom and Alihan Karagul met on a shoot in Istanbul, where they both knew that they had both found a friend for life. James recognized immediately that Alihan would make a great partner in crime, and Alihan instantly realized that James’ parents had a house on the Turkish Coast, into which he hoped to sneak, and throw the most epic party since the fall of Troy. The gendarme broke up the party before anyone was seriously injured, however two Dutch backpackers had their visas revoked, and were put on the first plane to Finland, even though they weren’t from there.

 Since 2010, Alihan and James have patiently incubated their plans for world domination, until finally, in 2014, they were ready to launch Rival School Pictures as a platform for combining their Global experience. In keeping with their singular vision, RSP strives to create amazing and beautiful spots coupled with an amazing and collaborative shoot experience. They strive towards intelligent problem solving, and figuring out how to make the best of every situation and opportunity. They strive to be the go-to people when you want an awesome spot, executed without a heaping stink pile of pretension. They strive for Waffles…with syrup and berries.

Alt end: They strive to find their way home from Dive Bars across the world.

Alt end: They strive to remember their hotel room number.


James Blom

Raised in the sweltering moisture of the mid 80’s Miami punk scene, James Blom originally moved to New York to pursue a promising career as a short order cook.

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Alihan Karagul

Alihan, aka our Man from Istanbul, aka Kaiser Soze, aka the Kid from Kadikoy.

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