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Generic cost of lexapro ) and a total of 5 years study, and the authors report a lower risk of death (hazard ratio [HR] 0.75, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.67 to 0.83) compared placebo in the entire population. Furthermore, authors point out that the did not provide a mechanism to explain the decreased risk found in patients receiving this specific dosage of therapy. This is an open-label study and as such there is no placebo control group and the overall result cannot be extrapolated to patients who are receiving the recommended daily dose of Lexapro in a clinical trial. Conclusion While it can be argued that this study was designed to determine the dose-response Lexapro compared to placebo, the main conclusion of review was an increased risk of death compared to Lexapro, and even further so as an increased risk of death when patients are undergoing surgery. The authors point out that this type of meta-analysis should only be used in clinical studies designed specifically to measure the dose-response a drug. However, they also point out that this type of meta-analysis only provides a very crude estimate regarding the absolute risk of death and can only give some information regarding the risk when patient is undergoing severe or complicated disease. While the risk of death may be Lexapro 5mg $90.84 - $0.34 Per pill increased in patients receiving Lexapro, it cannot be compared to the risk in patients who are undergoing surgery due to a complication. The authors recommend that risk of death in patients undergoing surgery should be compared to the risk of death in patients whose chronic condition is being treated with Lexapro, based on the severity of condition. In patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and severe liver failure, the difference between Lexapro and placebo may not exist, yet the mortality risk is similar. In addition, the mortality risk should be examined when the patient is undergoing surgery, because the risk of death could be reduced if surgical intervention is sought. However, the authors state that further investigation into the potential benefit and safety of Lexapro would be useful. The primary intention of this review was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Lexapro in patients with schizophrenia. They state that an additional investigation should be performed where the risk of death in patients treated with Lexapro would be compared to the risk in those who are not treated with Lexapro. These results indicate the need for further examination regarding the benefits and side effects of Lexapro in patients with different disease states. Although the authors have pointed out that this was an exploratory analysis, they also say that further investigation may be carried out to see if there is a better way to measure the actual safety that is associated with Lexapro in people schizophrenia. The authors also state that more research is needed before Lexapro can be considered as a safer or more effective medication when it comes to cancer, heart disease, liver or stroke.

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